




Edu Tool Box

Cross critique – towards a subjective university

Halle für Kunst eV
Head Genève
Critical Curatorial Cybermedia
Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale

Alejandra Ballón,
Marie-Avril Berthet,
Diego Castro,
Sylvain Froidevaux,
Ulrike Gerhardt,
Katrin Glinka,
Julia Hahn & Benjamin Seibel,
Sascha Kagan,
Adrien Laubscher,
Dieter Lesage,
Geert Lovink und Ned Rossiter,
Luz Muñoz R,
Daniel Orthey,
Nathalia Rodriguez,
Gigi Roggero,
Stephanie Seidel,
Jan Sieber,
Bettina Steinbrügge,
Tilo Steireif

In the context of the exhibition and lecture series "Crosskick", initiated by the Working Group of German Arts Societies (ADKV), students from the postgraduate study program CCC "Critical Curatorial Cybermedia" of the Geneva University of Art and Design were invited by the Halle für Kunst e.V. in Lüneburg to work together with local students of Applied Cultural Sciences of Lüneburg University. Given both art departments' institution-critical teaching tradition it seemed appropriate to put the concept of institutional criticism on the agenda once more. Reflecting on their own conditions of production, the students decided to investigate the ongoing reforms of the educational system and the Bologna process, which led to questions of the economisation of universities and how the access to knowledge has and will change.

»CROSSKICK – Critiques Croisées« included an exhibition at Halle für Kunst eV (18 January – 4 March 2007), a workshop, diverse events and this publication addressed critical thinking in the frame of art practices.

Softcover, 145 x 200 mm
229 Seiten
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